We can conceive our mind as a crystal that can be shattered. But we can also admire the beauty and uniqueness of the fissures.
(S. Freud)

Elisa De Martini

We often embark on a psychological journey when we feel a sense of unease that doesn't allow us to make the best use of our resources, when problems take control of our lives and we struggle to find balance.
The therapeutic space is a place, and a relationship, where you don't have to pretend to feel good.
It's a place where you can be yourself without fear of judgment and expectations.
It is a human support for the person aimed at alleviating discomfort in specific life situations.
It can be useful for processing thoughts and emotional experiences of a given moment.
Psychotherapy is a form of psychological treatment involving a relationship between a trained therapist and an individual, couple or group of people. It is a collaborative process aimed at fostering change, promoting emotional well-being. It offers a safe and confidential space for personal exploration, growth, and the achievement of better mental health and overall well-being.
The psycho-sexological path involves providing information, prevention, listening, support and treatment for all the discomforts and problems related to the sexual sphere of individuals and typical and atypical couples.
It is a specific and individual support in the sphere of sexuality. A session in which you can choose a specific topic on which to receive targeted advice.